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Commenting on an Outline & Speaking Notes Assignment

You can leave comments on an assignment. These comments (unless noted otherwise) are private between the student and the instructor.


Leaving a General Comment

  1. While within the Outline & Speaking Notes assignment, click on the "Points/Comments" tab.

    1. Note: The Points/Comments tab may not be available until after the assignment has been submitted.

  2. Click the "+Comment" button.

  3. Type in a comment and click the "Send" button.


Leaving a Referenced Comment

  1. While within the Outline & Speaking Notes assignment, click on the "Build" tab.

    1. Note: Referenced comments may not be available until after the assignment has been submitted.

  2. Click into the section of the Outline you'd like to leave a comment for and click the "Comment" button on the floating toolbar.

  3. Type in a comment and click the "Send" button.

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