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Previewing Visual Aid Controls

Updated: Aug 13, 2022

This tutorial covers how to preview the visual aid control panel as if you were presenting. To actually present, requires your teacher to initiate the session and your controls will automatically appear on the Participate page not this preview page.

  1. In the Visual Aid builder, click the "Preview" button in the top right corner.

  2. On the left side of the screen you will see the Speaking Notes you created in Speech Prep. On the right side of the screen you will see a timer and your visual aids.

  3. You can begin the timer by tapping it and hitting the start button. To stop the timer, tap it then click stop.

  4. You can tap your speaking notes to check them off as you present. To uncheck, tap again.

  5. To mimic projecting your visual aids, tap on the aid. To stop showing that aid, tap it again. (On this screen you will not see the aids displayed as this is simply a practice area).

On speech day, when it is your turn to present, just head to the Participate page and your teacher will give you control from their device.


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