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Video Error Messages

It is common and expected for the video to say "video processing" or "analysis in progress" after uploading/submitting a Speech Practice and Speech Video assignments.


Video Processing

  • After a video uploads, it needs to process on our servers for up to 5 minutes. During this time, the video file is optimized for viewing in Pops. If the video says this for a period longer than 5 minutes, please contact us.


Analysis in Progress

  • On Speech Practice videos, after the video processes, the artificial intelligence will analyze the speech to provide feedback. The time it takes to perform this analysis varies from video to video. A good rule of thumb is it will take the length of the video + 5 minutes to analyze. If the video says this for a period longer than 20 minutes, please contact us.


Unknown Error

  • If this error message occurs, please contact us for assistance.


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