06 - Being an Audience Member
Being a Supportive, Critical, and Thoughtful Audience Member
In front of every good speaker is a supportive, critical, and thoughtful audience member. Your role as an audience member is vital to the success of the speaker. Remember: they are speaking for you – Be receptive.
Here are a few guidelines for being a supportive audience member:
Be on time to class – don’t interrupt the speaker
Be courteousTreat the speaker as you want to be treated when speaking
Listen with your eyes, ears, and heart
Be responsiveProvide supportive non verbal feedback
Silence your cell phones
Don’t text
Put away any distracting materialsBooks, papers, computers
Pay attention to the speaker
Stay focused on the message
Try not to evaluate the speaker but the message they are conveying
Maintain eye contact with them – let them have an audience to talk with
Be open to new ideas and new ways of thinking
It is appropriate to applaud at the end of the speech
Be able to provide thoughtful specific feedback if asked