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13 - Tell Them, Tell Them, Tell Them!

Tell Them What You Will Talk About

Introduction (10 – 15 % of speech time)

  • Capture their attention

  • Give reasons to listen (relevance)

  • Set appropriate tone

  • Establish your credibility (qualifications)

  • WIIFM (What’s in it for me?)

  • Preview your thesis/intent;list the points you will cover

Types of Introduction:

  • Humor

  • Story

  • Narration

  • Quote

  • Arouse Curiousity

  • Reference

  • Question

  • Startling Statement

Tell Them What It Is

Body (2 –5 main ideas)

  • Be clear, use the most effective pattern of organization for main points
    Chronological/Temporal – time/stepsSpatial – directional/space

    Topical/Categorical – by topic/subtopic
    Criteria Satisfaction/Application

  • Main points stated in complete sentences

  • Each main point contains one idea

  • Word main points similarly, if possible

Motivated Sequence:

  • Attention

  • Need

  • Satisfaction

  • Visualization

  • Action

Transitions (Bridges between ideas)

  • Refers to both recent and upcoming material

  • Clarify structure of speaker’s ideas

  • Exist in all necessary parts of presentationBetween introduction and body
    Between each main point within body
    Between body and conclusion (Signal to end)

Tell Them What You Just Told Them

Conclusion (5 – 10 % of speech time)

  • Review thesis/intent and main points

  • Use an effective final statement

  • End with a bang – not a whimper

  • Add a “tag line” – final statement

  • Power ending – end with confidence

Types of Conclusion:

  • Summarize

  • Quote

  • Challenge

  • Call to Action

  • Refer to Introduction

Remember:  Tell them, Tell them, then Tell them Again!

13 - Tell Them, Tell Them, Tell Them!
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