19 - Self Evaluation Tips
When working on your self evaluations, remember:
Watch the recording of your speech.
Complete the self evaluation tool in Student Sheet to evaluate your speech.
Each answer should be at least 50 words per section. It is impossible to truly evaluate your work with less words. You may have more but the minimum is 50. Provide examples to support your observations and opinions.
Possible Areas to Include
Did you feel that you were well prepared for this speech? How could you change your preparation approach?
How did you address the WIIFM?
Was your speech well organized? What pattern of organization did you use for the main points? Why did you use that pattern?Clear thesis/preview: Was your thesis/preview clear and distinct for your listeners? Why or why not
Transitions: Was it noticeable you were moving to and from different sections and ideas in your speech? Why or why not?
Credibility established: How did you establish credibility?
What type of introduction/conclusion did you use? Were they effective? Why or why not?
What different types of support/evidence did you use? What types were particularly effective? Were they clear, relevant, valid? Why or why not?
What will you do differently the next time to improve these areas?
If you used a visual/audio aid:How was your video/audio aid used?
Was it effective in enhancing your message? Why or why not?
Did you integrate it with your information?
Did you practice with it?
What will you do differently the next time to improve your visual aid use?
How was your delivery—both verbal and nonverbal?
VerbalVocal energy/interest: Did you sound interested? Passionate? Why or why not?
Eye contact: Did you “see your audience”? Did you talk with all your audience members? Why or why not?
Conversational style vs. reading: Were you extemporaneous? Why or why not?
Your use of speaking notes: Did your speaking notes help you in your delivery? Why or why not?
What will you do differently the next time to improve your verbal messages?
NonverbalDid you “dress for success”?
What was your nonverbal message? Was it your intended nonverbal message?
What will you do differently the next time to improve your nonverbal messages?
Did the audience seem interested? Were they attentive to you and your message? Why or why not? What can you do differently next time to increase audience attention?